Protect your loved ones with our driver safety monitor feature.
Let’s face it, we all worry about our kids especially when they first get their driver’s license. If you’re a parent, it’s job to worry. Statistically, teen drivers are the highest risk drivers on the road. We all want to keep our teens safe especially when they first start driving. In fact, some of us are now experiencing a similar feeling with our aging parents. Keeping your family safe is important.
TheftPatrol Connected Car App helps keep your family save and gives you peace of mind. The App allows you to monitor driving speeds and pinpoint your car’s location anytime, any place. In case of accident or if your car breaks down, you know the exact location in real time.
TheftPatrol Connected Car App even lets you set up geographical boundaries, like say around your teen’s school, so you know when the car leaves that area. You can even have TheftPatrol Connected Car App send you alerts when something like this happens including when your car exceeds a certain speed limit or when it leaves a certain area.
And when it comes to your teen driver, make sure they know it’s there. Having that awareness can help keep them driving safer and prevent them from making costly mistakes.
TheftPatrol Connected Car App watches over your vehicle when you can’t be there.